St Eugene’s Moneyneena 5.00 pm
Holy Rosary: 6.15 pm
St Patrick’s Keenaught 7.30 pm
St Columba’s Straw 9.00 am
St Mary’s Coolcalm 10.00 am (NB Townland Rota still applies)
St Patrick’s Sixtowns 11.00 am (NB Townland Rota still applies)
Holy Rosary: 12 noon
Holy Rosary Church
Monday and Wednesday ~ 11.00 am
Friday ~ 7.30 pm
St Mary’s Coolcalm
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday ~ 11.00 am
All Masses in the Holy Rosary Church are transmitted live on the Ballinascreen parish webcam:
All Masses in St Mary’s Coolcalm are transmitted live on the Desertmartin parish webcam:
Fr. Peter Madden PP VF
31 Sixtowns Road
Telephone: 79628376
Fr Dermot McGirr CC
50 Tobermore Road, Desertmartin
Telephone: 79632196
Fr John Downey Priest In Residence
36 Moneyneena Rd
Telephone: 79628375
9 High Street Phone: (028)79628248
Parish Office now open to the public on Mondays and Tuesdays from 9.00 am until 3.00 pm
Please note Parish Office my be contacted by email or phone (message may be left).
Notices for the Bulletin should be received by 1.00 pm on Wednesday
Bulletins are presently only available:
Online at
On the noticeboard inside the front porch of Holy Rosary Church.
Helpline telephone number: 07710838050
Please click the link for full details of Ballinascreen Community Support Group.

Holy Rosary Church
Monday and Wednesday ~ 11.00 am
Friday ~ 7.30 pm
St Mary’s Coolcalm
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday ~ 11.00 am
Monday 23: St Eugene, bishop.
Lived in the sixth century. Studied at Candida Casa, then returned to Ireland and made a foundation at Kilnamanagh in the Wicklow hills, but his principal foundation was at Ardstraw Co Tyrone.
Tuesday 24: St Bartholomew.
His name occurs in the Synoptic Gospels in the list of apostles. Preached the Gospel in India. Patron saint of plasterers, tanners and leather workers..
Friday 27: St Monica.
Lived 332 - 387. Converted her pagan husband Particius to the faith, and by her prayers and tears brought her son St Augustine to Christianity and a moral life .
Saturday 28: St Augustine.
Born 354, died 430. Bishop of Hippo, where he lived with a community until his death. Patron of theologians.
Can. 1240 §1 in the Canon Law of the Catholic Church states:
"Where possible, the Church is to have its own cemeteries, or at least an area in public cemeteries which is duly blessed and reserved for the deceased faithful."
We are blessed in Ballinascreen that all parish cemeteries and individual family graves are beautifully maintained and cared for throughout the year. This makes the reports Fr Madden has received of flowers and other mementoes of loved ones being taken from family graves all the more distressing.
It cannot be stated strongly enough that to disturb the resting place of those who have died is an act of desecration against those who have died, their families and the Church.
At the end of every funeral Mass, the priest ends the ceremony with these words:
"Let us bring our loved one to their final resting place."
It is to be hoped that these recent happenings will end immediately so that those who have died may indeed rest in peace and their loved ones can grieve their loss without any added distress.
Sincere thanks to everyone who supported our recent Summer Draw, which was a great success. The profit from the draw was almost £36,000 and Fr Madden is deeply grateful to each and every person who supported it. Thank you to the many draw promoters who sold the tickets and to all who purchased them. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.
Betty O’Neill, Dromdallagan, on Friday 27 August at 7.30 pm in Holy Rosary Church.
Baby Olivia Bradley and Baby Patrick Bradley Cordarragh Heights on Friday 27 August at 7.30 pm in Holy Rosary Church.
We extend our prayerful sympathy to the family and relatives of:
John Rogers, Moneyneena Road;
Patricia McGreevy, Belfast;
James McAuley, The Rock.
First Anniversary: Baby Olivia Bradley and Baby Patrick Bradley.
Eddie Stewart,
John McNamee,
John Convery,
Joseph Duffy.
We welcome into God’s family through the Sacrament of Baptism:
Leo Paddy McGuigan-Cleary, Woodland Grove;
Caiden Kelly, Disert Road.
More readers are needed please for Masses in Holy Rosary Church.
If you are willing to become a regular reader of the Word of God at any of the weekday Masses, the Saturday Vigil Mass or the Sunday Mass in Holy Rosary Church please contact the Parish Office as soon as possible.
Monday 23 August:
Desertmartin Walk for Health Group meet at Hall on Knocknagin Road at 7.30 pm. Come along and join in for chat, fun, exercise and friendship.
Tuesday 24 August:
Exercise and Line-Dancing with Thomasina in Hall at 11.30 am. Admission £4
Wednesday 25 August:
Gardening with Mary Doris.
Week 1: Grow your Own in raised beds /containers
Week 2: Planting containers for autumn colour.
Come along and join in session from 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm admission £3.
Due to Covid Restrictions, it is important to register for sessions, as numbers are limited.
To register please contact either Kathleen 07764277809, Anne: 02879642711 or Olive: 07887614094
Sharing the fruits of the faith in the Derry Diocese. With Covid-19 restrictions still in place, the July-August edition of ‘The Net’ will only be available on the Diocesan website -
However, the publication will be available again in parishes when the restrictions are lifted. For coverage of faith stories just email
Coverage in the current edition includes:
Ballinascreen mark 100th anniversary of late Fr Michael Collins’ ordination
Marie O’Kane shares childhood memory of Fr Collins
Thornhill celebrates Golden Jubilee of Fr Colum Clerkin
Mgr Andy Dolan’s Golden Jubilee
Drumquin celebrates Fr Kevin Mullan’s Golden Jubilee
Fr Neal Carlin, founder of Columba Community, laid to rest
Tribute to Fr Neal by MaryO’Donnell
Celebration of Grandparents and the elderly
Strong family bonds despite Covid separation
First Diocesan Youth Ministry Scholarship
Fan the Flame celebration
Termonbacca to host Youth 2000 summer festival
‘Blessed Is She’ retreat preparing for Season of Creation
Mass rocks reminders of ancestors’ sacrifices to preserve the faith
Irish Section by Fr Oliver Crilly
Last 40 years have been a blessing - Fr Michael Canny
We are born to live in The Divine Will – Emma Devine
A tribute to late Fr Brian O’Donnell
Fr Mike Spain’s 40-year ministry
Fr Stephen Quinn shares vision for future ministry of Carmelites in Derry
Bearing witness to Jesus – the Way, the Truth and the Life – Pope Paul VI
One of the reasons we still have our faith by Michael Devlin
Discarded Stations of the Cross restored
Pope’s current prayer intentions
St Maria Goretti and the power of forgiveness
Pope Francis and his critics
Where have the treasures gone?
Rejoice and be glad by Fr Johnny Doherty CSsR
Fun and Games
Children’s Catechism Club – C3
Quiz Time
Young writers share thoughts on...
Benefits of prayer in facing life’s challenges
Impact of social media
The faith of ‘Doubting’ Thomas
Pope’s call to “be like Peter and Paul, free but humble”
Is Catholic Education worth keeping in Northern Ireland?
Older people in our lives
Sincere thanks to all who have returned parish envelopes, established standing orders, made online payments or used the ‘Donate’ button on Parish Website. Envelopes may be returned at any parish Mass, to Parish Office or any Parochial House.
Thank you for your generous support which is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks for many generous donations. To make a donation please place it in an envelope and mark it SVP. All donations appreciated
If parishioners wish to have their loved one prayed for at any Anniversary Friday Mass, you MUST please email their name to Ballinascreen Parish Office by 12 noon on Thursday of the relevant week. e mail address is
We ask that only members of a family, whose loved one is being prayed for, attend the Friday Anniversary Mass in Holy Rosary Church at 7.30 pm. This should ensure that there is sufficient space for those who are remembering a Month’s Mind or any other anniversary, as seating is limited and cannot be exceeded. The Anniversary Mass will be available on the parish webcam. Holy Communion will be distributed at the door of the Church once the congregation has left. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter.
From Monday 6 September, opening hours will be:
Tuesdays 2.00 pm - 8.00 pm,
Fridays 10.00 am - 1.00 pm and 1.30 pm - 5.00 pm
Saturdays 10.00 am - 1.00 pm and 1.30 pm - 4.00 pm.
Tea and newspapers on Friday afternoons resumes on September 10.
Adult Book Club will resume, but with restricted numbers due to covid regulations. Members may contact staff regarding booking a seat.
NO Rhythm and Rhyme sessions.
Books being returned, no longer need to be left in foyer – adults and children may return them to the issue desk.
Certificates and medals for the children who completed the Summer Reading Challenge,
We invite you to come to the Shrine of St Joseph in Holy Rosary Church and to place written petitions to St Joseph in the box provided. Please do not put money in your petition envelopes as all petitions will be burned unopened.
Since Monday 12 April, regulations on the number of people attending weddings, funerals and baptisms have been relaxed, so the following arrangements are now in place in Ballinascreen and Desertmartin parishes. All churches have been risked assessed and the number of places determined for each church is as follows:
Holy Rosary: 100
St Columbna’s, Straw: 100
St Eugene’s, Moneyneena: 100
St Patrick’s, Sixtowns: 50
St Mary’s, Coolcalm: 60
St Patrick’s, Keenaught: 100
These numbers do not include priests, sacristans, or musicians as they have already designated places.
While extra places are now available, we ask that families be mindful of those who are vulnerable, even if they have been vaccinated. Social distancing and hand sanitising are necessary requirements inside the church but a lack of social distancing outside the church and elsewhere is a potential danger that should not be lightly ignored. Many outbreaks of Covid 19 have occurred when large numbers have gathered in homes and other places where the protocols have not been followed.
Track and trace is obligatory at all weddings, funerals and baptisms. Families will be provided with a template on which all names and contact details of those attending a wedding, funeral or baptism must be recorded and once completed returned to the relevant Parish Office.
As well as providing a Track and Trace contact sheet, couples will receive a plan of the church where their wedding will take place so that they can prepare their own church seating plan. This plan will then assist the church stewards to direct guests to their designated seats as they arrive. The plan must be received by the Parish Office three days before the date of the wedding. For the distribution of Holy Communion, guests will be asked to stand in their place and the priest or Eucharistic Minister will distribute Holy Communion to them. Masks must be worn by all attending the wedding. The bridal party, with the exception of the bride and groom, must wear masks when they are in their place.
Unlike a wedding where there is plenty of time to prepare a church seating plan, families will receive specially printed admittance cards and families may distribute these cards as they wish. These cards MUST be shown at the door of the church to one of the stewards. Please do not ask to be admitted into the church if you have not been given one of these cards. Families are requested to adhere to social distancing inside the church, and so sit in their ‘bubbles’ of two, three or more. Occasionally, stewards may have to respectfully request mourners to move to another seat to ensure proper social distancing is maintained. For the distribution of Holy Communion, mourners will be asked to stand in their place and the priest or Eucharistic Minister will distribute Holy Communion to them.
Face masks must be worn by everyone. A track and trace contact sheet must be completed the day before the funeral.
The Irish Catholic Bishops have asked for prayers for those affected by the Coronavirus. Placing all our trust in the Lord, and asking Our Lady to intercede for us, the bishops invite everyone to pray these prayers:
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to you,
O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To you I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in your mercy, hear and answer. Amen